
We, the Monogatari Corporation, conduct our procurement activities with consideration for the environment, human rights, compliance, and safety, and with a high ethical viewpoint. Also, we have set forth our procurement policy (hereinafter referred to as “this policy”), conduct due diligence in order to accomplish our social responsibility across the entire supply chain based on partnership with all business partners, and identify risks. In the unlikely event that a serious risk is found in our supply chain, we will conduct corrective measures and contribute to the realization of a sustainable society.

Thorough compliance with laws and regulations

We thoroughly observe all laws and regulations in all countries and areas in which we conduct our business activities, and conduct procurement activities with a high ethical viewpoint for the realization of fair and impartial competition, the exclusion of anti-social forces, the prevention of bribery and infringement on intellectual property rights, and so on.

Ensuring proper quality, prices, delivery time, and safety

We conduct procurement activities while thoroughly observing all laws and regulations related to quality and safety in all countries and areas in which we conduct our business activities, and ensuring proper quality, prices, delivery time, and safety that are competitive and meet the safety and quality standards of the Monogatari Corporation and industry standards.

Ensuring stable supplies of products and services

We conduct procurement activities with consideration for the capacity to supply products and services stably and the ability to flexibly respond to fluctuations in supply and demand as well as a system for controlling a crisis at the time of an unexpected disaster.

Consideration for human rights as well as industrial health and safety

We conduct procurement activities with consideration for human rights, the work environment, safety and health to respect human rights and the dignity of the individual, prevent discrimination, harassment, forced labor and child labor, and secure safety and health in the work environment.

Consideration for global environmental issues

We conduct procurement activities with consideration for global environmental issues such as responding to the issue of climate change, sustainable use of resources including water resources, the prevention of pollution, environmental conservation and the preservation of biodiversity.

Ensuring information security

We take measures to defend against threats to our computers and networks, and construct a management system that does not allow damage to our company or other companies. We conduct procurement activities while protecting the personal information of customers, third parties, and employees and operating systems for the proper management and prevention of leaks of confidential information received from customers and third parties.